Foraged Food

We love to hike, so in the summer of 2020, when a friend brought us a huge bounty of wild mushrooms (chanterelles), we were very intrigued. Prior to that, we’d never really thought about “grocery shopping” while hiking in the woods. After the basket of chanterelles was bestowed upon us, however…everything changed! We started doing a lot of research, bought a handful of local wild edibles guidebooks, consulted with people much more knowledgeable than us, and have gone on countless hikes (that part would have happened regardless).

At first, we weren’t finding much, but as we trained our eyes to see, nature’s cornucopia availed itself to us. Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite that majestic…our first wild mushroom find was by accident when we saw a Chanterelle growing right in the middle of our trail. Really, it found us more than we found it…but we found its friends, and the rest is history!

A lot of the recipes below are from our own foraging. A few are from mushrooms that we have purchased from a local wild mushroom company called Mainly Mushrooms…and a few are dried ingredients from the grocery store. We’ve included all of these recipes here, as they are all ingredients you can find while foraging.

**As a word of caution that applies to all of these recipes (and wild edibles in general)…Do your research! Check and double check (and triple check) to make sure you have what you think you have and not a dangerous lookalike. We pretty much stick to easily identifiable wild edibles and “beginner” mushrooms that don’t have deadly doppelgängers to greatly reduce our risk.**
