Roasted Salmon with Lemon Dill Buerre Blanc

The other day, we had a hankering for salmon, but we didn’t really know what we wanted to do with it specifically. Then, we saw fresh dill and fresh parsley in the store, and there was a decision to make! Dill was the choice, and with that as the main flavour around which to build, we bravely attempted to make a buerre blanc, which is a french butter and wine sauce. In the end, it was a little thinner than we envisioned (because we got impatient and didn’t let the wine cook down enough), but the flavour was really tasty! We’re excited to make this sauce again.

We served this with Sneaky Mashed Potatoes, and since we used a lot of cabbage, we didn’t serve any vegetables on the side. However, this would also be great over long grain wild rice or angel hair pasta and paired with Roasted Asparagus or Grilled Zucchini.

Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients (sauce measurements is good for 2-3 fillets):

  • Salmon Filets (We used 6 ounce, skinless)
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • For the Sauce:
    • 1/4 cup of white wine (we used chardonnay)
    • Dill
    • A squirt of lemon juice (maybe about 1/8-1/4 of a lemon’s worth)
    • 1 tablespoon cream
    • 2-3 tablespoons of unsalted butter


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Pour your wine into a saucepan, and add your fresh dill and a quick squirt of lemon juice. Turn the heat on, and begin to simmer.
  • Once you’ve got your wine simmering, give your salmon fillets a quick salt sprinkle on top. Then, melt some butter in a pan, and when it’s hot, place your salmon in. Let the salmon sear for about 4-5 minutes, and then transfer everything into the oven for another 15 or so minutes.
  • While your salmon bakes, turn your attention back to your sauce.
    • Cut your butter into small cubes (maybe a half tablespoon each)
    • When your wine has reduced down to just a tablespoon or two, turn the heat down to low, and whisk in your cream until it’s completely incorporated.
    • Let everything simmer on low for a few more minutes.
    • Add one cube of your butter, and whisk it in until it melts.
    • Add the rest of your cubes one at a time in the same manner…moving on to the next one only after the prior has been melted and absorbed.
  • After about 15 minutes, your salmon should flake easily with a fork and be a lighter pink colour than it was when it first went in. When it’s reached an internal cooked temperature of 145 degrees F, you’re good to go.
  • Plate, devour, and enjoy!

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